a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Marsh Warbler

A Marsh Warbler at Ham Wall in Somerset.  We're definitely getting towards the end of the season and I'm finding the smaller migratory birds harder to find.

Marsh Warblers look very similar to Reed Warblers - my field guide suggests that the Reed Warbler's plumage is a little brighter, but unless the two are sitting next to each other in front of you I am not that sure that there are so many people that would be able to tell the difference.   Their songs are quite different - the Marsh Warbler making up for anything it lacks in the plumage department with a lovely musical cascade of notes. 

The obvious difference between the two, and the thing that I generally rely on is the colour of the legs.  The Reed Warbler's legs are quite dark, the paler legs on the bird in today's blip mark it out as a Marsh Warbler.

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