
By Hamp5on

Fabulous Family

Today I hopped on a train to visit my aunt and uncle who live a few towns away from my folks. Gill is my Dad's younger sister. It was so absolutely wonderful to catch up with them. Auntie Gill was instrumental in a major life change I had at 18 years old, she'll always be very special to me. I had some time to myself as Danny and Texas took the kids off to the West Midlands Safari Park for the day as a belated birthday gift for Asha. They came home late afternoon full of stories! We headed off to visit Danny's uni friend, Brent, who lives close by... In fact he lives 2 doors down from where another auntie used to live when we were growing up! Wonderful to catch up with Brent and Sian, and then come home for a tasty tea with mom and dad. Asha and I spent the evening packing her bag for Camp tomorrow! She's excited!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Reconnecting with Gill and Dave.
2) Mom being amazing and making cakes for Asha to take on Camp.
3) Another day of many a trip down memory lane.

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