
By MerrilHope


A quiet day at home in recovery mode after yesterday's excursion exertion. A late start and a few chores that included a basket of laundry. Leaving the apartment to do this, I heard a cat crying. Turned out to be Scooby, an indoor cat who lives next door and whose humans are currently in the States. Going inside his home, (with permission!)  I learned that in addition to immense boredom, he was unhappy at his empty food bowl and full litter tray as his substitute slave human  hadn't appeared thus far today, so I was honored to be allowed to meet his needs.  Fed, watered and entertained for a while, I left him fairly content, I hope. His regular daily carer will visit later, I assured him. 

The problem with humans having summer holidays is their furry four legged companions do notice the lower standards of service - with the possible exception of my Rufus, who I think quite possibly has a more luxurious and fun life with Sue while I'm here in Istanbul, than he does with me when I'm at home in Akbuk. 

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