
By Wildwood

Tiny Lemons

This will be a brief and uninspired entry today because we have to take Spike to the eye doctor for a recheck and soon after we get back, Ruta and Co. will be here (maybe...) One never knows, but my work is done because I have cleaned out the fridge, thrown away some pretty disgusting food that was starting to create its own ecosystem, and wiped out all the bins and shelves. I was even going to mop the floor, but John wandered in and started making his rub for the lamb and chicken so there was no point.

Whatever happens, it will be fun and I feel very responsibility other than giving directions. Will is coming, and maybe Chloe, and he will no doubt raid the parents' wine fridge for something good.

We transplanted our lemon tree from a place where it was thriving, but growing forward to get out from under the eaves and too close to the house. It has been struggling, but hanging in there, produced some blossoms and now has quite a few tiny lemons beginning to form. We are also going to have a bumper crop of figs and quite a few persimmons though there is still no sign of apples or pears. 

The main photo is a macro shot of a couple of tiny lemons beginning to form....

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