
By KCNQ2Haiku

Teatime Music!

New Dishwasher Day.
So no more wrinkly fingers 
or mess on work top!

Mr KCNQ2Haiku started playing the guitar in lockdown, he had an injury that meant he couldn't run as much as he wanted and he decided to learn a new skill.  He has a very admirable 'Determined Streak'!  He is now Very Good (he would say he isn't, but he is) and he has now added the electric guitar into the mix.  In the early evenings, when he's finished work and just before we get Ben into bed, he sits and practices for a little while and it's like my own mini concert!  So that's what you have for today.  You're extra lucky because my previous option before the guitar opportunity was another sleeping dog photo!
Another day where Ben had 4 hours with the PAs, it is so brilliant that it's going so well but it does make me hyper focused and busy when he's gone so I'm usually exhausted by the time he gets home, which is probably not the point!  Today I had a slightly slower day, just cleaning/washing; dog walking (a scamper with a red setter); fishmongers and then Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I went for lunch!  So nice to be able to do that still in the holidays :-)  Ben got back at 2pm and we waited for the new washing machine, made some cajun seasoning for the monkfish and prepared some salad.  Ben was very chatty with the dishwasher installation people.  He's quite hard work to control in those sorts of interactions but they were very lovely.  And of course we now have a functioning dishwasher!  It apparently has an app so I can set it off remotely but I can't think why I would ever need that.  I can see you might want to delay the start if you didn't want it to be noisy but the app seems overkill.  Maybe it's just me! 
Anyway, I'm off to play with it.  Living the dream :-D  Happy Friday everyone! 

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