
By Boomerang

Artworks by the roadside

It was a bit of a showery day but fine for meandering northwards to Stonehaven, stopping off at various places along the way.  We said farewell to the donkeys and our lovely wee campsite (extra of the campsite included specially for Seriouous Frolic who wanted to see what it looked like) and onwards to our first stop for coffee at a garden centre well-known to us. Our next point of interest was the town of Forfar which we had always by-passed until today. Sadly, no Forfar Bridie could be found for Nick’s lunch. They must be very popular locally as everywhere we tried had sold out. However, we did come across this very decorative yarn-bombed bollard.
Further along the road northwards, we came across the carved Pictish stones at the hamlet of Aberlemno. There were three very different stones and the one in the photo has several symbols on it, including a snake which can be seen near the top of the stone. A number of the symbols can be found on other stones of the era (early medieval) but their significance has been lost in the mists of time.

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