
By KCNQ2Haiku


A Moth... not a Myth.
It's hard to know when you're young.
Thank you Family!

A bit of a strange day, tiring and lots going on.  Things with the kids and even the dog got in the mix today, running circles around a cockerpoo type dog who didn't have an owner nearby.  Eventually the unsupervised dog decided it was fed up of Leo being faster and lunged in for a chomp.  Leo yelped a bit but seemed unscathed.  I tried to lean down to put him on the lead but by then the other dog was getting confident and snapping at me, Leo and all sorts.  We managed to walk away and I eventually saw the dog slope back to its owner who was sitting by a tree in the long grass, they hadn't been visible but they were definitely near enough to hear the commotion.  It coloured the walk a little but it was just one of those days today!  
We had grandparents here for a little visit too which was very nice, we had a tasty lunch and they stayed long enough to see Ben after his PA session.  Ben was a bit wired but he wanted to play some archery (suction cup!) and when we went in the shed to fetch the kit, there was this huge moth.  It made me smile because when I was little my family always said, "oh, it's a myth" whenever we saw a moth and it made me think.. how do little kids know it is actually a Moth and not a Myth when they're given these confusing messages!!  It's amazing I'm normal :-D

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