
By Cairistiona1

Self Portrait?

I think everybody thought I was bonkers lighting a fire last night but in my defence the weather was truly horrendous. It rained and it better rained. Then came the thunder storm. By this morning the forsythia bush had broken in two with the weight of the water on the leaves.

Needless to say, as soon as I had packed my camera to go out and take some photos in the sun, the dark clouds gathered again and pretty soon everything was soaking once more. So I came home and played with a wide angle lens instead.

Tried out some of this self portraiture lark. Haven't quite got the hang of stretching to reach the shutter button "posing" all at the same time. I suppose I should have used the remote - but then I wouldn't have had an excuse!

Am really not sure that anyone would ever want to look at the pictures so decided to have a bit of fun. Started out by ripping the image in two electronically and then reassembled each half by duplicating and flipping. So, I ended up with two very different versions of me. This is one of them - hair deliberately messed up for the wild look - or was it the rain that did it!?!

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