
By Wildwood

Bees on Oregano Flowers

We have several different kinds of herbs growing around here and the bees love them when they flower. I was cutting back the blooming salvias yesterday and they were loaded with bumblebees but they were quite patient and just moved out of the way. To repay them for not stinging me, I left a huge pile of cut branches for them to work on before I put them in the compost. This smallish plant with tiny flowers had two different kinds of bees on them. I was happy to see the honeybees as their numbers are much fewer each year. I have found quite a few dead ones here, but don't know what killed them.

Coffee this morning was hilarious as Bob showed up in matching aqua pants and shirt. John had a t-shirt the same color under his olive/grey shirt.  We started by saying that John should trade shirts with Bob and ended up telling him he could wear the top OR the pants, but he couldn't wear them together! Gail just quietly rolled her eyes . I took Bob's picture (in extras) at his request, but then he asked me to send it to Gail because he didn't want to see it....another wonderful character in our life.

A less wonderful character, name beginning with T, was mentioned in the paper this morning in a letter to the editor. The writer talked about diehard MAGA Trumpers and their ability to hate the government and plot to destroy it, yet have not a single positive  offer of an alternative . He referred to them as 'somnambulant sycophants of Trump', and predicts that they will continue to corrode our Democracy . As far as they are concerned each new indictment is like an endorsement of their lying leader, and proof that they seem unaware that it is  easier to destroy something than to rebuild it.

The case against him will be difficult to prove, despite the fact that he has made public statements that everyone has seen which would seem to cement his guilt. It only takes one hold-out juror to get him off the hook.

The case against him It will revolve around whether he knew he was lying when he did the things he is accused of doing. He can always claim that he acted on the advice of his lawyers....

Since the Safeway pharmacy is holding my prescription for a miniscule dose of alprazolam (a controlled substance) to help me sleep, I have been taking CBD gummies.They seem to be helping, and I can get them from our friend Dan, but the current batch got left out in the sun and melted into a solid mass. It is no longer possible to ascertain the individual shape, of one gummibear , so I've just been hacking off a piece. I guess I got carried away last night, thinking that since they contain very little active ingredient (THC). It didn't matter. Apparently it does, because I woke up very groggy this morning. 

This is turning into quite an odyssey for a search for a safe, mild sedative. So far, the pharmacies  (and no doubt the FDA or some drug regulator) are making me feel like a junkie. The people who 'use' will continue to get drugs and abuse them, yet the people who follow the rules and have a legitimate need for them are being denied. I blame the Sacklers and the OxyContin epidemic....

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