Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


After yesterday's rain, today we had wind.  Lots of it.  Some brief rain showers, but the clouds were blowing so quickly they didn’t have time to deposit much water!  I got a load of washing dry on the line.

I finished cleaning my sewing room, including giving the sewing machine a good strip down, defluff, and oil.  I also treated it to a new needle.  

I then cleared the surfaces so I could sandwich a the sampler wall hanging I finished back in January.  I used an old sheet as backing - it is a bit thin, but it'll be fine, because this will be a wall hanging that comes out only for a short time.  

Quilting it was a challenge on my rather elderly (my 18th birthday present from my paternal grandmother) domestic sewing machine - I  can't drop the feed dogs (a job for its next service), and ideally one should use a special "walking foot" which are unsurprisingly not availble for this machine!  But I managed a meandering series of lines, which again will suffice given the nature of the product.

Tomorrow's job is to bind it.

We went out for dinner, at an Italian restaurant in New Ross, before attending a rather nice concert- guitar with string quartet - as part of the 
New Ross Guitar festival.  We thoroughly enjoyed all but one piece.  This was by a contemporary Irish composer, and they introduced it as "rather beautiful" - I'm afraid we just found it rather discordant.  The final piece was a Boccherini guitar quintet - it was really great, must track down and download a digital version.

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