A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Five years ago we purchased an EGO strimmer and leaf blower, with one shared battery (supposedly a Good Thing).  

The quality of EGO tools is, at best, a bit mixed.  It seemed that the technological bits were well done but the actual build of the tool more than a bit rubbish.  The number of times I've had to free up stuck buttons is ridiculous (or should be).

Now the tech'y bit has died.  For no readily apparent reason the charger is doing nothing when power is applied - not even flashing to say it has a fault.  I'm resisting the temptation to take anything apart as lithium charging isn't something I'm prepared to mess with.  From my time in mobile phone software development I've fairly intimate knowledge of how complex and fragile battery charging processes are.

Looks like a trip to the local garden machinery shop.

Meanwhile, the 36 year old Honda mower continues to just work.

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