Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Le Grenouille

Thank you for the wonderful response to yesterday's doe and fawn. I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the lovely comments, stars and faves ... thank you, thank you, thank you.

What do you do to follow up on an adorable fawn? Well, you don't even try to beat it on the cuteness scale - in fact, if you are me, you go in the other direction. Hence, le grenouille, the frog! And not just any frog, but a bullfrog. A very big one. Who scared the crap out of me when he started hopping across the top of the lily pads straight towards me. He was as big as a Buick. Seriously, I screamed. Which made him scream, too - damned sissy bullfrog. Then he sat in the lily pads as if I couldn't see his enormous self! We watched each other for awhile. I blinked first. When I left, he still hadn't blinked, but all the dragons were getting nervous...not to mention that small yellow spider...

Another early morning walk which turned up all kinds of dragons as well as a very busy field sparrow. Back at home, my pincushion plant is in full bloom and I counted 4 different types of butterflies and a clearwing-hummingbird moth (my favorite!) on it this afternoon. Yay, it's summer! If you' like to see the rest of today's also-ran shots, you can see 11 of them on Flickr, starting here..

I watched a fledgling house finch terrorize it's poor father this afternoon, flying around after him begging incessantly. When dad hung from the feeder, the fledgling hung right next to him, begging the whole time. He kept trying to ignore it, but would finally give it a seed. I think he was trying to demonstrate the art of eating, but the young 'un wanted nothing to do with it, preferring to be fed. It is so funny to watch baby birds at this stage of their development!

It's hump-day, people. Two more days until the weekend.

My mom is having an angiogram tomorrow morning - please keep her in your thoughts. Dad is going to call me as soon as she gets done to let me know how she's doing - and I'll be antsy until I hear from him.


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