
By McCaviti

Accident Waiting To Happen

We live on the 18th floor and there is so much construction activity it takes me back to the days of living in recently reunited Berlin, cranes dominating the skyline at Potsdamer Platz.

So I am inspired to take a series of photos (in both direction) to show the progress in each direction but I am a bit out of my depth, being overly ambitious, without the technical expertise. I’d love to be able to turn it into a video at the end, but how do I maintain an identical position, how frequently should I be taking photos, should I change the time of day?

I dusted off the Olympus EP2, got out my pancake lens and begged my husband’s digital viewfinder. I worked out how to turn on the grid lines (eventually) on the suggestion that I use them to line up the same locations in the same grid everyday.

Taking a photo of my setup as a guide with my trusty iPhone SE (would I be better using that?) there was a mishap with the HDR setting of the app I was using, but I kind of liked the arty effect.

Especially as it seems to capture the vibe of accident waiting to happen that seems inevitable.

Wish me luck! Any tips would be much appreciated.

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