Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid



Yay! It's Friday. I got to my desk and finished my work. My line manager sent out an email to the team informing them I would be working mornings. Hmmm. We hadn't agreed on that. I said I wanted the flexibility to do things in the morning like play table tennis. 

G & I went to Asha's (Bhosle's restaurant) in Wafi to celebrate the completion of the sale of the apartment in Cyprus. Phew. It is finally over after five months - the longest delay being caused by the bank for no real reason! I have to admit there is a huge sense of relief to not have to think about seven more years of paying a mortgage especially as interest rates have drastically increased.

Asha's has a summer promotion of "Buy One Biryani, Get One Free"!! At £33 a plate, it isn't somewhere we go often. The food was delicious - FULL of flavour. There was way too much food, so one of the biryanis came home with us.

Much later in the evening, we opened the bottle of Veuve Cliquot that I had in the fridge for this occasion. G did a platter of nibbles. :))

My extra is a typical scene you see when driving past grassed areas in town. Today being Friday, these guys were enjoying some time under the shade of a tree. The temperature was in the low 40s, so I'm surprised they were out at 3 PM.

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