Marsupium Photography

By magi


Last day of work at the CVK near the Westhafen. I very much loved going past the railway sidings, watching the cranes and boats. Our office there was only temporary. The Campus Virchow Klinikum is lovely, lots of green space, big trees and the occasional surprising visitor. Our stuff is packed up. In my case that was two monitors, two keyboards (one with German and one with British layout), a mouse and a stack of post-it notes. We are moving along with most of the IT staff to a new building right in the centre of Berlin near the Nordbahnhof. I'll miss the industrial activity at the Westhafen, the green space at the CVK. I am looking forward to the new office, meeting new people and finding new sources of blips. I am not so sure about the open plan office. We shall see how that will play out.

Finished book #14: red team blues by Cory Doctorow. Great novel about cryptocurrencies, gangsters and a forensic accountant. Doctorow incorporates a lot of his non-fiction ideas on capitalism, technology and the internet in his fiction writing. Very much enjoyed the book. 

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