The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

My Muse

My Uncle Bud was my mother's brother and a talented photographer. He was my inspiration to become involved in photography and, though we have different styles, he continues to be my spirit guide, or muse. He always shot with rangefinders and I have several in my "collection".

Today you see the latest addition to that collection - a real find, a Minolta Super 3. The Antique Shop owner was getting rid of the last of the cameras he had hanging around, I had a couple of things he was interested in and we did some horse trading. So far everything seems to check out. This weekend I'm going to put a battery in and see what she does.

The photograph is a portrait Bud took of my mother back in the day. A beautiful woman, if I do say so myself, right up to the day she died when she was 90. I miss her.

It's a rainy day, apparently the edges of the first tropical storm of the season. If it's as busy a hurricane season as they predict there may be some interesting blips coming your way. The price of living in paradise ... and the adventure continues.

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