
By JanetMayes

Karamel Sutra

This is one of J's favourite flavours: "a core of soft caramel encircled by chocolate and caramel ice creams and fudge chips". Fortuitously, we opened the tub P had bought as a treat for her, and Abstract Thursday's food theme and my uncertainty when I would find time for even one photo today were both solved. It's a bit too sickly for me - I'm not a big fan of caramel. I much preferred the last scrapings of the Peanut Butter Cup. 

I've been busy all day helping J try to finish the presentation about her animation which she will be giving remotely at an event on Sunday. She's been working hard on it for days, but needed support to edit her rather long and repetitive text into something more clearly structured and focused, and to finish the powerpoint slides. She's perfectly competent at this, but inserting, sizing, placing and cropping lots of photos takes an inordinately long time when controlling the mouse with a switch scanning grid and sound switch, so she has reached a point where she really needed me to do some of it faster for her. We have been asked to pre-record the presentation, to avoid technical issues on the day, though she will also be live online to say hello, see the room and look for people she knows. We tried to record the audio this afternoon - lots of trials adjusting volume of computer audio and speakers as well as recording level - but although her computer voice sounded ok in the room, the recording is a lot more tinny. I suspect the microphone is the most significant factor; P has one which may work better, if we can find time to try again. In the meantime, I must get back to the powerpoint - the back blips will have to wait, it's going to be a late night.

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