Living my dream

By Mima

Possum / Bunny runway

(This is a slight cheat: I  took the photo yesterday.)

I've been increasingly alarmed about silverbeet in the top raised bed being eaten, even through the bird netting put over it for protection from pests. 

Both possums and rabbits love silverbeet, but have never shown any interest in any growing in beds with tall walls around them. 

So why now? 

And does this mean that the seedlings that I'll be planting there in a couple of months' time will be under threat? 

Will high fences around the top of the raised bed be needed?

Then I realised that in mid-June I had abandoned the half-rotten, half-fallen wooden edging from the said bed, when I came down with shingles. Ever since, I have walked past it daily and failed to register that it is the perfect runway up onto the bed for any pest tempted by silverbeet.

Within a few minutes of my eyes re-opening I had laid into the remains of the wood with a sledgehammer and removed it far from the scene. My expectation is that if possums are the offenders, they will still be able to jump up onto the veg bed. If it's bunnies, the nibbling will cease because they don't have that much spring in their back legs.

This morning there is no sign of further feasting upon the silverbeet. And beneath the GoodNature trap there was a deceased possum. Perhaps it found it too hard to get at the greens, so it decided to eat the cinnamon lure in the trap instead? Here's hoping...

The temperature is miserable today: -3C at breakfast and only +6C at lunchtime. As a result Bean and I have been finding things to do in the study. Snoozing and reading respectively. 

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