
By Ellaphant

Breda Mural 09 -- 'Belcrum Birds'

This mural was a joint project with the community of the Belcrum, where, in their own words, everyone is a little weird, eccentric, and certainly unique.  These birds, therefore, were designed out of pure fantasy and are not real existing species.  The Belcrum is what we call an 'arbeiderswijk' or 'neighbourhood of labourers', where everyone (supposedly) helps everyone and this collaboration and cooperation has led to the formation of a colourful and creative residential area.  This brings to mind the Dutch expression of 'vreemde vogels' ("vreymduh vogels') = 'strange birds', often referring to outsiders or those who 'don't belong to the group', but also often used to refer to non-conforming individuals who stand out, not necessarily in any negative sense.  The extra shows another part of the mural.  There are details in the mural with symbolic significance known only to some people in the area.  That's how personal it is.

Felt much better than yesterday but still rather deflated, nonetheless, because of my continuing unemployment + the case.  A 2-hour nap in the afternoon, after which I decided to get up and kick my own ass by cycling to this mural.  Caught up with kitchen duties, and that felt good, but especially thankful for an almost hour-long chat with Mimi just before going to bed (early morning there) during which we laughed a good deal because the suspect phoned her again and shared a lot of things with her, with Mimi dumping more coals on her head to egg her on.  The suspect is still a suspect but now refuses to testify on behalf of the Opposition, perhaps partly due to Mimi's influence, who knows, which means one headache less for me, even if I know that everything she will say, if she's allowed to say it at all, is a hammered nail of a lie.  So much is being said about me at the moment and everyone is wondering what I'm up to.  And yet, there was a time when I would have gladly talked to them, shared my views, and they were not interested or even curious, and no one gave a fck or asked how I was.  I have been the 'strange bird' from the start, and now this strange bird is flapping some ugly-duckling-turned-goose wings and emitting high-pitched screeches that hurt their ears.

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