
By Wildwood

Pilates Studio

The Tone Pilates studio equipment, according to their brochure, consists of reformers, trap tables, chairs, ball, mats and springboards. Although they look like leftovers from the Inquisition, the use of springs, straps and moving platforms is very effective, but requires the assistance and eagle eye of a trainer. Having taught yoga for many years, I like the way the Pilates approach complements yoga, with it's emphasis on breathing and core strength. I always said that teaching yoga was mainly figuring out how to say the same ten things a million different ways. Pilates is just another way....

There is never a dull moment when I go to Oliver's--our wonderful market. Today they were repaving half the parking lot. The local high school just up the street has adjourned for the summer and the senior citizens discount day is Wednesday, so the store was not as crowded as usual, leaving me free to peruse the aisles and come home with things like Tahini, oyster sauce and cake flour.

While I was in the produce section, my neighbor called to tell me that she had to rush her giant Newfoundland puppy, Banjo, to the vet to have a foxtail surgically removed from his nose. It's hard to avoid them this time of year, since it takes two seconds to make the trip from the dry grass to deep inside a dog's head.

Back in the parking lot, as I was loading my groceries into the car, I heard an unearthly noise which turned out to be the baying of a very unhappy Black and Tan Hound who had been left in an open Jeep. He sounded rather like a stranded sea lion. Neither I or another lady who came to see if she could comfort him had any luck, so we left him to it.

Our house has turned out to be something of a Twilight Zone for communications. The Comcast lady came yesterday and deemed everything good, even though she had to reboot the TV box twice. She promised to report the cable lying on the ground, which OilMan noticed when he almost ran over it with the mower. The phones don't work any better, but she left her ladder, so at least now he doesn't have to replace the bent one that Dana took away....

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