Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

what, when?

I've lived round the corner from this house for 30 years and have never noticed this before. I guess it could just have been done last week, who knows, made me smile though.
Took Colin's car round to the garage this morning as otherwise it was risking not being taken until the afternoon. As it was being looked at in a very busy small garage at short notice as a favour, I didn't want to keep the owner waiting. Turned out that all was well, a warning light had come on that needed diagnostic equipment. We happily paid the bill on hearing all was well. Fingers crossed things stay that way.
Had my haircut at lunchtime, I want it nice for Saturday and it has got to the wild flyaway BoJo stage. Looks much better now and I'm back to my Annie Lennox lookalike attempt.
This evening I should have been at a Vestry meeting, but we had a drama instead. All is well thank goodness.
Forgive the brevity, normal service will be resumed tomorrow

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