Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Common Darter Dragonfly?

I bought an off-cut from branches that my brother-in-law had cleared at my parent home yesterday. This morning I screwed it to an old brook-handle and drove that into the lawn with the intention and hope of getting some of the garden birds to land on it so that I can get some reasonable bird images. 
I wasn't expecting anything to use it until they had become accustomed to this new item placed in the middle of the garden.
As I was getting some lunch only 30 minutes later, I looked out the kitchen window spotted a dragonfly land on this branch. Lunch was abandoned for a few minutes while I grabbed my camera. I managed to get close enough to grab just one decent image before it flew off. 
I have no recollection of seeing any dragon flies in our garden in all the time we have lived here. Clearly, all we needed was a random branch!

Edit - Extra added. Too sweet to leave this out.

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