
By LadyFindhorn

A Trip to Fife

Daughter #1 treated me to a four wheel hurl across to Fife this morning to pick up two chairs in Dunfermline. It’s always such a treat to go anywhere nowadays in a car although getting out of the city when the traffic is grid locked would tax the patience of a saint.  
Approaching  the Queensferry crossing on the way home the struts of the bridge appeared like 3 gigantic yachts sailing over the roadway.

We had thought of perhaps having lunch in Dunfermline but the traffic, the  numerous roundabouts and not knowing where could park put us off that idea, so in the end we made it back to Edinburgh and went a MacDonald’s at Meadowbank. This is only the second time I have put a foot inside the door of a MacDonald but the chicken nuggets with a chilli dip and the dreaded chips tasted exquisite.

While daughter#1 and the car then continued to Portobello, I opted for the bus home  which is an experience in itself if time is no object. It certainly allows for a leisurely viewing at snail’s pace of the crowds and traffic tail backs from the comfort of a seat, providing the bus is not too busy. 

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