Right before my eyes

I think I've mentioned before that my workplace is now situated on a quite bland, dreary small industrial estate outside the city centre and had a whinge about the lack of blippertunities.

We've been here since October 2012 and I have only just noticed how colourful these trees are, which are just feet away from our office.

The meeting with the pub landlord went well last night, he gave me some excellent ideas for engaging with the licencees of Norwich and by now the stickers I left him with will be displayed somewhere inside his pub.

A very strange thing happened last night. I was supposed to be going to a book launch immediately after choir practice and I completely, totally forgot until I was inside my house. I completely over-reacted and just burst into tears.

On reflection I think I just need to have a weekend of home-type stuff and try to ignore the horrors of the world just for a couple of days. I don't know how some of my activist friends keep at it, I really don't. Some of them never seem to stop. They are amazing.

A bit of good news is that I've just received the majority of my salary which was overdue from May (because several clients were late in paying us) - I think I underestimated how anxious I was about that, too.

To celebrate, Roland has informed me that he's going to put together some mixed salads, cheese and cold pizza for supper and asked whether I could pick up some nice white wine on my way home. I think I can manage that. We can pretend we are somewhere lovely on holiday.

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