
By KathyH58

August 26

We didn't get as much rain as had been forecast. We may or may not get more rain overnight. 
I got the go ahead on a job yesterday, and it needed to be done this coming week so I needed to get some plants. I was going to the valley anyways to meet my niece for lunch so I stopped to get the plants too. That makes the trip a business tax write off.
Her father decided to join us, it's the first time I seen him since my sister passed away in 2019. We had a nice lunch at The Church Street Brewing Co. They converted an old church into a restaurant. It was the first time I had been there, and the food and service was good.
Parking in the area is limited to on street parking, so I decided to go to one of the lots on the Wolfville waterfront. This is a photo taken at the park near there. The tide was low, so it shows the mud flats with Blomidon in the distance.
My niece asked me if I had ever hitchhiked across Canada when I was 19 or 20. My other niece, the one that I no longer talk to, was sure that I had done that. S couldn't remember me doing that, but she has blocked a lot of her teenage years from her memories. She is 5 years younger than I am so would have been 14 when it supposedly happened. I told her no, I had never hitchhiked across Canada. I flew back and forth a few times, and my hitchhiking was limited to getting back and forth between Fort McMurray and the construction camp where I was living. I'm not sure why they were even talking about me, I wasn't there. Who knows what stories my sister and my niece concoct about me now, if that is what they think I did 45 years ago.

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