Canalizzare la mia Gina Torres interiore

Title is just "Channeling my inner Gina Torres" in Italian.

Stumbled upon The Perfect Find, another Netflix book adaptation after Helen Wan's Partner Track, Michelle Buteau's Survival of the Thickest and, Elisabet Benavent's A Perfect Story . 

What made me interested initially was hearing Louis Armstrong in the opening soundtrack and seeing SUITS ' Jessica Pearson appear in the first ten minutes of the film. 

"I think we are certainly in a time in our lives and in our history where social norms are being challenged daily... 
And to be able to live your truth and live it out loud... whether it's a woman past the age of 40 that's reinventing herself, whether it is someone in the LGBTQ community that's also not afraid of finding love, whether it's a woman in power that could care less about how intimidating she is and really just wants everybody to level up to be their best. These are all things that I believe are important to see and are important to represent.
- Gina Torres FORBES  feature

Just had my phone rebooted, thanks to B's go-to Tech guy. 
Was advised to make several changes including the need to replace the battery and even have my wallpaper theme changed to a darker one. Hopefully, could have it up and running, even just for basics asap.
For now, might want to defer from routine and take a breather as it is a long weekend here in our country anyway.
Always grateful for family, nature, good food and the Blipfoto Community for the prompts/themes/challenges and inspiration. Have a good one!

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