
By TonyG

Just a Butterfly

A beautiful, pristine Tortoiseshell that alighted on some late Valerian flowers as Meg and I were passing.  Very obligingly it let me get up close and personal with my phone camera.

A quiet Sunday.  Jane and John popped round for a cuppa this morning and after lunch I repotted the South African bulbs and sorted a supermarket delivery for tomorrow.  The butterfly encounter was around half four as I took Meg round the block before setting off to Bryncrug Country Fair to sing with Tra Mor Social Singers - as we are now called.   One of our number is on the fair committee and was buoyed up afterwards by all the compliments, so we must have done alright.  It was certainly a lot of fun.  An extra pic of the singers who could make it this afternoon.  Unfortunate that the mouth shape for whatever we were singing at the time makes us look very serious .... and what had distracted the ladies on the left?? :-))

After feeding Jamie the other half of yesterday's pie for tea I took Meg and Bella for a run in the ball field where John joined me and we adjourned to their caravan for the regulation hot chocolate after.   Jamie and I curled up on his sofa with both dogs and watched Miranda to close the day in good humour :-)

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