Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

United Colours.....

....of Benneton. Just so happened we had the right colours, minus one or two which I had to go out and get yesterday. Colours I knew we would use again & again. After much dismantling, filing, rubbing down and drilling bigger holes for nicer screws, the lamp finally came together. There were a couple of scares like when I tried to waff away a moth last night only for my hand to knock the shad off it's perch, denting the damn thing. Ouch. Luckily I was able to undent the dent with Taylor's bean bag style bed and a rounded piece of soft wood. Alls well, click, and it worked. Phew.

Tuttle Jnr arrived at Crewe with the crew at gone 12 midnight as the train was running a tad late, plus they all had to walk from the station to the final check point several hundred yards away. They were all given a standing ovation as the faded out of the dark corner of the carpark. The smell they brought back, well, I'll leave that to your imagination. The laughter, smiles and relief faired a whole lot better! A lot of A Level talk amongst us parents meant we got home later than planned, but it was all worth it seeing the elation on their faces.

I guess tomorrow is going to be washing day.....

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