Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

The Fine Art Of....

.....Turd Polishing continues. At home this time. Mrs Tuttle & I had a brainwave yesterday: convert our trailer (that we couldn't sell with the tent) into a lawn mower shed. That's right. A lawn mower shed. With two fence panels left over from our garden renovations I was able make a roof + front. Guilty in the face of Tuttle Jnr as he has only just woken up by the time the roof was almost complete, dying to tell all about his trip, I felt had to wait till next week when I have the operation (third time lucky).

Though he did see the funny side shaking his head in a WTF manner, if you get what I mean. Luckily, as a family, we thrive from pure sarcasm, like we need you to fully appreciate it(?!) ;-)

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