
I had another application form deadline at noon today so was head-down focused getting it as good as I could until about 11.30. But when I went to log onto the employer's internet upload system I discovered that our own internet connection was down. I switched everything off. I switched everything on again. Nothing. Off. Wait. On. Nothing. I ran diagnostics: modem not working. Off. Wait longer. On. Nothing. For a demented second I contemplated ringing our internet service provider but realised I'd just miss three more deadlines if I had to hang on for them to answer. So I printed everything out, scrawled a letter explaining why it was all on archaic paper, bunged it in an envelope and chased across town on my bike. On my way I decided that if they were snotty about it I didn't want to work for them anyway, but when I arrived and the clock above the reception desk said 30 seconds to noon they were as lovely as could be, took my envelope and commiserated. So perhaps I won't end up an astonishingly badly paid teacher after all.

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