
By Hanulli

Have a Hug

Everyone needs a hug now and then  :-D
Even very strange creatures.

Wine labels can be very interesting. (and 
I found this information about this label: 
The logo and the labels pay homage to the Middle Ages, the age of city-states, which was also the time of peak development of a thriving San Gimignano – no dark age, but a time of great human and spiritual evolution, when rationality and irrationality, wonder and deceit, unrest and disbelief merged together.

During the Middle Ages, everything was a symbol, that is, a representation which, by either convention or inspiration would elevate one’s thoughts to higher levels, abstract concepts, realities with multiple meanings. This idea guided the Moretti family, in cooperation with Studio Doni & Associati, to redesign the logo, the labels, and the Teruzzi image as a whole: bringing together history, heritage and future. A brand image that makes Teruzzi a one-of-a-kind company in its sector.

The ‟T‟ in Teruzzi is the fountain of life; with the sun and the moon, it suggests the passing of time. The new logo has two key features: shape and color, both translated into archetypal symbols that speak directly to our imagination.

The golden sun stands for self-determination, strength, generosity and a positive attitude. The silver moon stands for sensitivity, emotions, fluidity and mutability. They are archetypes of our inner duality: male and female, Yin and Yang, the vital principles from which everything takes its origin. Gold and silver are also the basis for figures in illuminated manuscripts, which were the main inspiration for the artwork on the labels. A restyling of the magic in medieval bestiaries, didactic and moral treatises of the age, where short descriptions of real and imaginary animals would be provided, as well as drolleries, the grotesque figures in the miniatures on the edges and in the illuminated initials of Gothic manuscripts. The illuminated manuscripts would be interspersed with additional gold and silver elements in the first letters, on the sides and in the illustrations.

Are you still reading? Then cheers from my Hanullis and thank you for your lovely hearts, stars and comments for the hand full of Hanullis I posted yesterday. :-D 
And as always the reminder:
The tag for TiPS,  the stage for stories about the adventures of all kinds of tiny figures is TiPS2023. Share your creative entries with other lovers of tiny people  and have fun :-D

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