Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Blue moon ...

I'm about to go to bed with that tune as an ear worm ... Blue Moon, beloved of my parents, one of the songs my dad used to play on the piano, wearing his hat and coat, all ready to go out and waiting for his women to be ready to join him. This, of course, because instead of blipping and going for a shower I've been out in the dark garden taking photos of the Blue Super Moon with my phone, stupidly, because I was too idle to fetch the camera with the Leica lens. Ah well - they say it's the last such for ten years, by which time I may well not be here...

A dry day with varying cloud, a day suitable for our builders to crack on with the front path (slabs all laid now, though the interesting bit is still to come), a morning suitable for me to do some work for a change. In this case it meant devoting a substantial chunk of time to getting started on a sermon I've to preach in ten days; I've written a first draft and ever since have had ideas I want to include - it'll be the length of a Wee Free sermon at this rate!

After lunch (have you ever tried a sandwich of newly-made seeded loaf with fried aubergine and honey?) we took our digestive processes out to Benmore Gardens for a walk that turned into the usual brisk hike to the top of the hill. The trees are beginning to turn, which is what gave me my photo on the way down - I loved the pinkish colour of the leaves and the strange delicate curls of the leaves which may be autumn but could be something else ...

And on to the evening, with online Compline lovely as usual and the news shocking with explosions and insanely brave BBC correspondents on the front line in Ukraine. I've just watched the video of Steve Rosenberg, the BBC Russia correspondent, playing the piano for Mikhail Gorbachev to sing to, and failed to imagine Putin ever singing anything. 

That's him damned, for sure!

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