
By Madchickenwoman

Weird and Wonderful!

We tried out another new field today, Oscar was a little more interested in this one as it had overhanging trees and lots of long grass to snuffle in! I managed to get him into the tunnel by throwing treats into it! But he only went as far as the treats and wouldn't walk through it.
The lady who owns it lives in a plush caravan/trailer next to the field with her children, who she referred to as feral! She alluded to current ill health and she had very close cropped hair so I wondered if it was cancer. She apologised for the long grass but I said it was perfect for Oscar! Apparently she brings some neighbours horses in to graze it and sometimes goats! It was well set up with a tunnel, a tyre filled with balls, a container of toys, water, poo bags and a poo bin! In the adjacent field I thought there was an off grid community of other caravan dwellers, however on closer inspection they were abandoned. The field was full of metal fences, play equipment, 2 sofas and a variety of plastic and metal bins. Amongst all this were goats, sheep, a cow and some ducks who seemed to want out for as I watched them  they waddled towards the gate! I'm not sure if the play equipment was for the animals or her children! On the way in to the whole area I spotted a plastic chicken coop on legs - sadly the hens were stuck in a small run underneath it. The surrounding area was similarly covered in piles of wood, large empty containers, troughs and goodness knows what else! Despite it's ramshackle appearance I rather liked the whole set up!

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