
By Bom

High Tide Traffic

JohnRH had told me that there were high tides this weekend, so as a nice sunny day was forecast, I drove over to Blakeney early to get some photos. In my main you can see two canoeists travelling down the road next to the quay. I've added a collage as an Extra, going clockwise from top left:
- a paddleboarder crossing the road
- a sailing boat that had 'parked' at the end of the flooded car park so those on it could nip over the road for a takeaway coffee
- a car left in the car park which just survived, plus a canoeist on the road
- two paddleboarders and three swimmers setting out across the car park
- a photo from the raised bank of the flooded quay and road
- a canoeist at the end of the car park near the flood warning sign

A really beautiful day, it was 20C by 9:30 at Blakeney and remained sunny all day. I did a third coat of woodstain on the fence posts when I got home, then sat out reading the paper. 

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