Gifts of Grace

By grace

Oh well - pink oriental

Just popping in to say thanks for all the commiserations for camera loss and concern for my well-being - physically recovered, still bereft. Blip's really not the same for me when I'm not learning to use my camera.

I also want to clarify that 'crummy' is a judgement on MY phone, ITS photo quality and MY lack of enthusiasm for struggling to get any kind of shot with it. I'm not nearly so judgemental of anyone else's phone-shots - indeed I'd be hard pressed to say who uses a phone on blip. And now I know from your comments that some journals I subscribe to are done by phone - I still like them.

Today I discovered that it's almost impossible to see what you're shooting with this phone so when I use it the shots will be very close to random. And then when I crop all the rubbish out the photo is too small for blip - aargh! Still not happy.

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