
By Mover

Early Start

Jacqui was doing conservation work today at Clennon Valley so I got a lift and she left me at the seafront quite early, where people were already swimming. I walked into Torquay from there. At Abbey Sands the regular swimming group had set up a huge grill and were cooking fried breakfasts by the sea wall. The male chef had only a skimpy pinny  to protect him, and I wondered if this had been risk assessed. After a visit to  the Visto lounge I wandered about for a bit. Pleased to see the Hotel Regina has had a paint job. Here Elizabeth Barrett Browning lived from 1838 to 1841. see extra
As far as I know she didn’t ride a bike but she did write a cycle of poems.Sonnets from the Portuguese are a sequence of 44 sonnets which were written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning during the course of her courtship with the poet Robert Browning. Sonnet 43 is perhaps the most famous, with the opening line 'How do I love thee? Let me count the ways'.

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