The early bird


This morning I was up particularly early, trying to avoid the morning disasters of the last two days... The house where we are staying is fantastic. Really well appointed, comfortable beds, not one, but two sitting rooms, and I've already blipped the view at the local beach. Another delight is the local birdlife. Loads of house martins and swallows zooming about and feasting on the 18 gazillion midgies which come out at dusk, a lot of wheatears, goldfinches and yellowhammers singing away, larks and pipits, a local buzzard that patrols the area, flying casually past at roof-top height, and this morning I heard three cuckoos calling back and forth across the glen.
A favourite, so far, is this whinchat (Saxicola rubetra). Very handsome, and perched literally 20 yards from the front door :)
You might also notice that the bluebells are out in June in Ardnamurchan. There were even some primroses, at least a month later than in Edinburgh...

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