Swing 2013

3years 229days

We do like our happy swing photos from time to time - and its odd because that first one really doesnt feel like long ago, but she's such a small baby there!! Katie was very pleased to find out she was having some at home time this morning before going to the park with Bobbobs as a treat before nursery. We have taken the decision to not continue with her preschool gymnastics now until they're old enough for big girl gymnastics. It wasnt bringing them on and they were rather bored of what they were doing, so we are going to hang on until they can go to the school-age classes at one of the bigger gym clubs. But we did want to make sure they had plenty of time playing together as time with each other was all they really got from gymnastics now. So a playdate it was!

She had a good time at nursery - they were all utterly filthy! A sign of a good day, I often feel.

Katie's 3things
I played in the back room on the computer again on the teddy bear game
Lesley wasnt there today. I was with Heather.
I got these berries from the tree (presenting me with not yet fully grown cherries).

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