Standing Tall

It has been a day full of giraffes.

I have been to see "The Hangover 3" which briefly featured a giraffe in the opening sequences.

I then tracked down "Polka Dotty"

Giraffe number 25 of of 29. Dotty is a 2.5 metre sculpture that along with one larger and 82 smaller sculptures, is part of the Colchester Zoo 50th birthday Stand Tall celebration, developed in partnership with local art, community, business and schools and raising money for wildlife conservation.

From the website.....

Artist - Samuel Thomas

The Polka Dots transforming from white to purple, and from purple to white, represents the playfulness of the ever changing world of fashion. The giraffe stands bold, proud of her purchase and expressing her individuality by shedding her normal camouflaged attire and striding out to set another trend.....

Dotty was very popular and I had a chat with a couple who were also taking pictures of her and, much to my surprise, have already taken pictures of over 100 of the sculptures. They were having trouble locating the last of the ten sculptures that are at the retail park where we were and I offered to help via my iphone app which details all of the locations. They have no tv, computer or smart phone in their lives. We tracked it down and they went on their way. Coincidentally I had almost asked them for a picture before I located the giraffe as they had been sat on a bench on route and caught my eye. The man had a great had and an even better beard. I think I have blip to blame for a fascination with beards at the moment.

I hope to feature a few more giraffes in my journal and to see them all together back at the zoo or in London later in the year. There is one in Maldon so that will almost certainly be here very soon.

I have put a few more pictures in my blipfolio.

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