Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Gathering on the wire

I think these are a mixture of swallows and house martins, hopefully including our baby.  They're congregating on the power wires that pass over our property.  They'll be leaving us soon.

I've had a day shopping in Waterford.  I went to buy glue, and added a new sewing machine to the basket!  The proprietor was super knowledgeable and helpful.  It's a big jump up from the simple but sturdy machine that I've had for almost 50 years!  Will it last a similar length of time - highly unlikely,  but then, nor will I last another 50 years!  Though the shop owner did say he'd just sold a new machine to an 89 year old!

I also visited Lidl and Aldi, picking up some essentials and some frivolities in each.  And a couple of furniture stores where I  bought nothing.

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