
By DJsDailyDose

Tiny Tuesday

The tiniest part of my cello…

These are the all tuning pegs located near the bottom of the cello under the bridge. The small pegs are for making small tuning adjustments. If bigger tuning adjustments are needed there are big pegs at the top of the cello. Fortunately my cello holds its tuning very well so I only really need to use the small pegs. Had a couple of hours playing tonight which was lovely. Even played some Bach and Brahms pieces which I haven’t played for a while.

A great morning session at the gym followed by a busy work day with meetings. I’m part of the well-being community and we meet once a quarter. We are trying to make changes to improve wellbeing and bring mental health awareness more to the forefront of people’s mind. Also we are trying to work of neurodiversity awareness and we are making great progress.

Overall a good day.

Today marks 3 weeks alcohol free… no intention to have a drink for the foreseeable…

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