By LaurieT

Toddler hiding cabinet

I’ve been retired for just over two weeks now, and it’s been a busy time between celebrating and reconfiguring the house as I get rid of child care items. These three all have special meaning for me so I wanted to document them.

The toddler hiding cabinet fits two hiding toddlers - three if they squeeze in. Squeaky hinges so you know when they enter, slightly misaligned doors with handles on the inside so no one gets stuck in there. It is reportedly being loved as much by the children in its new home as it was here!

The extras are:

My extensive Duplo/Lego collection that included many “vintage” pieces from over 30 years ago – originally purchased at garage sales. Over the years I added to it - with lots of animals that were favorites of the children. I was surprised by my bittersweet feeling as the collection left my house - the end of an era.

The wax paper sandwich bags were used when children had leftovers from their snack here that they wanted to save. One child would happily put in half a cracker and a few raisins to share later with her parents. When I found an extra box of the bags I made sure to give them to her so she can use them when she starts preschool this month.

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