
By Ferjen


I have blipped Pickles the cat before and I can't help but have him as my blip again!  Despite the grumpy appearances he really is such a lovely friendly cat.  He was hanging out on our drive this afternoon in the shade, he lives on the other side of the road.  He must be hot under all that fluff.  

I spiralled a bit this last week.  But I have seen the nurse at the doctors for a long chat about mental health and to dress my wound.  I also spent 45 minutes on the phone to a BCN nurse. Both were so helpful and just listened.  

I also saw the radiotherapy consultant yesterday and she said the radiotherapy will start in about 3 weeks and the wound will be fine by then.

 While I was at hospital I bumped into my oncologist.  He called me in to see him and said he had studied my pathology report in detail, it was in a different format to usual and he sought clarification, he said the lymph node were positive but there is hope / indication that there should not have been further spread.  He explained why but I didn't really understand the explaination, I'm just glad there is some positive.  So I am hopefully the new treatment plan will get me better.  For now I am OK. 

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