
By helenann

The House Plants

Yet another hot day,  and another  busy one.
Martin  and I went to uke class and then onto a laundrette to do some washing. The washing machine service engineer should be returning on Friday but we didn't want to wait until then. Meanwhile, my sisters  went for lunch with our Mother, and my brother in law visited three of the military  museums in Winchester which he  found  very interesting.
Later, Martin  and I did some  food prep  for a big day of entertaining  tomorrow, and then the five of us enjoyed  a meal out at the Plough in Itchen Abbas.
My blip is of the plants currently on my dining room window  ledge, including Streptocarpus, Achimenes, Kohleria,  and Hibiscus. My sister Alison, who will be house sitting for us shortly, is a bit worried  about all the house plants for which she will be  responsible!    

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