Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Jungle Speed

Lovely evening with Mick, Coral and Tim. We decided to cook for ourselves rather than have a takeaway and very nice it was too.

Ended the evening with several games of Jungle Speed which if you haven't played before you will like if you like the concept of snap or spoons.

Today was a day of discovery. I discovered that:

~ There is a coffee I can just about bring myself to drink. It was a caramel flavored coffee by Douwe Egberts
~ What I thought was a full bottle of Glenmorangie whisky was in fact only 1/3 full
~ There is a Dutch implement that slices cheese very nicely for crackers (Rosina has been to Amsterdam for a few days and mentioned that she had seen one being used in a cafe). Turns out that we have one. Always wondered what it was for and now I know
~ Tim is pretty blind to shapes. A definite disadvantage when playing Jungle Speed

I was at the gym this morning and was on the cross trainer which overlooks the car park. Today, and every day I use the gym, I'm amazed at the number of people who come to the sports centre presumably to take exercise but insist on parking in the drop off area or coach park simply because it is closer to the entrance. As well as being downright inconsiderate, it is so contradictory to the premise for being there in the first place, i.e. to take exercise! What's wrong with a little walk across the car park for goodness sake?

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