Today was the main day of the UPP convention.  Apart from the formalities of the AGM and the presentation of various awards, there were two lectures.  The first was by Ann Healey on the wildlife of Costa Rica, and the late afternoon one from her partner, Will Cheung, a well known photgraphic journalist and editor.  His presentation was very entertaining and inspirational (as he was the previous time I saw a presentation from him, some years ago).  His eclectic collection of images, often based on "series" or particular subjects, happened to include some of Gents' toilets (rest rooms for our American friends).  Not the sort of subject you expect to see in a photographic competition or exhibition, but one that, I confess, I have taken before now. Being short of a blip, I decided to follow his example this evening and photograph the facilities in our hotel.

Spot my camera if you can.

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