
By loisbiz

What? Lay Beside It?

Today's theme for MM is Beside...so I told Bear to get up on the sofa and lay beside the stuffed doggie..surprisingly he jumped up and lay where I told him to...then he looked at me confused...he was probably thinking, "So, take the dang photo so I can go to sleep."  

I am feeling a bit uneasy with all this extra time since Ellie is going to school and staying full-time at our son's house. I talk to her on Facetime, but it isn't the same...she is busy and doesn't want me to stay on forever...I am delighted...but I have lost something special and I feel a loss of purpose. It is good and I have a freedom that I didn't have before. I am happy she is feeling independent and she doesn't need me as much as she did. This is what I want...but it feels a little quiet in my house...Ellie has been with me Monday through Wednesday since she was little. This is a good change, right? Yes, of course, it is good. :-)))

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