Look Out

By chrisf

Helsby Hill

Hospital day, so I took myself off to a location 16 minutes drive away - and wondered why I had never been before, because the views are spectacular on a morning like this one.

To those travelling to and from north Wales on the M56 the sandstone ridge which lies parallel to the motorway will be familiar. Its western point is Helsby Hill, and that was where I walked to from the car park at the former quarry (now a local nature reserve).

The top of the Hill itself is owned now by the National Trust. It is the site of an ancient hill fort. To the south lie Delamere Forest, the Peckforton hills, and in the far distance the Long Mynd and Shropshire hills. To the west against the backdrop of the Clwydian Hills of Wales I could see Chester and its cathedral and town hall, and much nearer big industrial buildings including the huge Stanlow oil refinery. To the north across the Ship Canal and rivers Weaver and Mersey the cathedrals of Liverpool and the Liver building, as well as a large football stadium (no idea which one). And to the north east Runcorn with Fiddlers Ferry beyond, and beyond that the west Pennines including the whaleback of Winter Hill. It was a good thing I had my binoculars with me.

Whilst I was there I watched a beluga plane take off west from BASystems Hawarden airport, then slowly turn and head east following the line of the Mersey. It will have been heading to Hamburg or Bremen I guess, carrying Airbus wings manufactured at Broughton.

An early lunch outside a tea shop in Frodsham, and then back to the hospital. Today turned out to be a shorter day for J, so we’ve been able to do a few things at home this afternoon.

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