
By Grammy

Hate to See You Go

Millie woke me up by scratching my nose. Ouch, kitty! Hubby got up and fed her before he started his day. I found a poison ivy plant that had sprouted and was climbing on our front bricks. That had to go immediately. There was also a pokeweed growing in my gardenia. He pulled that out also. I guess a bird dropped a seed because this is the first pokeweed I have seen my gardens. Didn’t take those pests long to move in and try to take over. Hubby decided it was time to cut down my beloved Japanese dogwood whose last signs of life have disappeared. My deceased Godmother gave me that tree as a housewarming gift over 20 years ago. It brought us much joy and thousands of white blooms over the years. Hubby recut the lawn; it looks really nice again. I continued to work down my inside jobs list: washed a load of laundry, made chicken salad for lunches, researched on line baby registries for three mothers to be and ordered part of our mother’s 95th birthday gift. My son sent pictures from his day in the Bahamas. So thankful they were able to avoid the hurricane’s path. Wishing you a peaceful day. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. “As I look back on my fondness for the outdoors, and specifically the elements in nature that I find visually stimulating, I am surprised at how often the theme of dead trees arises. I guess it's that each one seems to have a story of its own, representing many years of living through everything that nature could throw at them.”
— Cory Trepanier

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