I Am Watching You

Up before daybreak to photograph the rising sun. It wasn’t spectacular but as the field below me came into view, I realized I had company. There were several mother deer and their young grazing. Went back to bed and read awhile before falling asleep. I checked out our bedroom window later and this family had moved to the field behind the house. Wish they’d been a bit closer since I only had my phone upstairs. Hubby and our BIL worked outside most of the day, cutting the lawn and trimming. The grass sure grows fast up here. They took a fun ride on their ATVs later. My sister worked on her door, cleaned her “she shed”, planted pansies and blew away the grass clippings. I had Sugar Baby and kitchen duty again. We are having smoked brisket, baked potatoes and salad for dinner with a refrigerator pineapple pie for dessert. After doing all the prep work and cleaning up my mess, the pup and I snuggled on the couch. It has been chilly up on the ridge all day. Guess the leaves will start to turn soon. We will have a nice campfire with our Kindles after dinner. Hope you had a day as peaceful as ours. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. I’ll get back to your journals next time we get back “to civilization.” "I don't have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness. I can find it in little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields." - Queen Latifah.

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